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TEAM 8796

Damas Robo

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Problem: A refugee is someone who carries a fear of persecution due to their race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political beliefs, and as a result, has left their country and cannot or does not want to return. They face cultural adaptation issues, prejudice from society, exclusion by people in the community, lack of access to their native language and education, inadequate representation, marginalization, and being stigmatized.





Solution: Disasters caused by human and natural factors disrupt individuals' established routines, leading to emotional trauma. This intense emotional state creates a void in individuals' lives, disconnecting them from themselves, others, and their surroundings, affecting the meaning and continuity of life. This emotional trauma, experienced by every refugee, is a natural process. During this period, some refugees may experience the process with more intense emotions and over a longer period. Regardless, refugees, compared to citizens of the host country, will face absolute discrimination depending on the country's attitude, either positive or negative. In some countries, under the prism of positive discrimination, refugees are supported through humanitarian channels, and their situations are improved through economic and social integration policies. Negative discrimination, on the other hand, can be exemplified by operating refugee camps, which already provide support in difficult conditions, with an anti-social integration attitude, or by not providing equal or equivalent conditions for housing, settlement, employment, education, and healthcare to recognized refugees. In other words, a country's attitude towards a large group of intending migrants fundamentally places it in an alternative position in refugee politics. Therefore, in global politics, there are numerous countries, such as Turkey, that welcome refugees, as well as many countries that maintain a distant stance towards refugees and implement high protection measures against migration and asylum.



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Before and during migration, individuals may be exposed to violence, hunger, thirst, or economic difficulties. In rare cases, refugees can plan their escape from their countries in advance and have limited information about the country they are going to or have arrived in. Young refugees who have left Syria are determined siblings who have not lost hope in their lives and are committed to overcoming difficulties. They have worked tirelessly to adapt to this new society and culture. They struggle on this challenging path to stand on their own feet in foreign lands, pursue their passions, and most importantly, contribute to the community. Damas Robo was formed by a group of Syrian refugees and Turkish youth following the "Leave No One Behind" Hackathon event. This decision aims to make a difference in society. Although FRC team Damas Robo 8798 did not yet have sufficient experience in mechanical, technological, and design fields, they achieved their goals through intensive and rigorous work, along with strong team solidarity, and received necessary assistance from their valuable teachers, mentors, and sister teams. Moreover, financial difficulties did not deter these young people's desire for success. Thanks to the valuable guidance of their teachers and mentors, they had the opportunity to demonstrate their success to the world and introduce themselves through intense effort and collaboration. Damas Robo won the special jury award at the Off Season event in 2023.



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Impact: By producing effective solutions to the problems faced by refugees, positive effects can be generated on the overall well-being of society. These solutions not only improve the quality of life for refugees but also strengthen the general dynamics and solidarity of society.


Firstly, the integration of refugees into society and their successful adaptation increase tolerance and respect for diversity within the community. The fact that refugees come from different cultures and have diverse experiences enriches the overall perspective of society and enhances tolerance towards differences. This, in turn, helps establish healthier relationships within society and creates a more inclusive environment.


Additionally, increased access to education and employment opportunities for refugees diversifies the human resources of society and enhances innovation potential. The different perspectives and experiences brought by refugees contribute to the emergence of new ideas in the business world and academic fields, and encourage creativity. The economic and social empowerment of refugees enhances the overall welfare of society. Their ability to find employment and support themselves reduces the need for social assistance in the community and promotes economic development. Moreover, refugees contribute to the local economy and actively participate as consumers help local businesses grow and increase employment opportunities.


In conclusion, the integration of refugees into society and their successful adaptation enhance the overall well-being of society, strengthen social solidarity, and promote economic development. Therefore, the development and implementation of support and equal opportunity policies for refugees contribute to making society more fair and inclusive overall.



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